Monday, December 28, 2009

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind?

Something every person seems to hope for on the verge of the coming new year is change. Change is a pretty broad term to use, but when we find ourselves at the end of a decade that marks the most formidable years of our lives, it's the only word that comes to mind.

So rather than waxing existentially about change in terms of other people, I'm opting for some personal insight about what I'd like to change in 2010.

1--Fashion throwbacks to the 80s. Really, I'm quite sick of the so called "hipster" subculture that has emerged over the past three years. Leggings as pants is just as socially unacceptable now as it should have been in 1986. Neon does not look attractive on anyone. Feathered hair should be limited to Farrah Fawcett and the rest of the Charlie's Angels. And you know the only reason sane women find Michael Cera attractive is because of his certain alt indie appeal.
2--The monogamy trend. I know I'm repeating myself, but the category of single men in their early to mid twenties is shockingly non existent. How is a future trophy wife supposed to snag a beau when everyone already has a date to the 34th Annual Newport Beach Clam Bake? How is an aspiring soccer mom supposed to meet her soccer dad when all the coaches are taken? Your twenties exist for a reason--to continue where your college years left off and have a good time. In a grown up way, of course.
3--Female empowerment. Something I've been encountering during my interactions with the opposite sex is the idea that women and men are suddenly "equal." While I'd like to say this is true, I have seen too many instances of inequality in both professional and social environments. However, the idea of "female empowerment" is something that men have suddenly picked up on, and rather than abolish it, they exploit it. Since when is a date a date if a man expects you to pay for everything? Why am I expected to open my own car door and buckle my seat belt too when I'm just a weak little female? I get lost walking down the street, why do I have to drive? Give me the days of 'ole where my only expectations were a clean house and a hot meal at 5 pm. And child bearing hips.
4--Romantic comedies. This film trend has been on the rise ever since "Jerry Maguire" became a hit in '96. You know what I would like to see more of? Zombie movies. Give me a hacksaw, blood, and the undead anyday over the "You complete me" bs spilling out of Tom Cruise's mouth.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in these the things you have written about.
    Death to neon spandexy pants

    and if your into zombie movies...I got one you may potentially like....its called Dod Snow.

    Have a fun new years!
